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Transition Page - Independent Living/Community Involvement

Big part of moving on after high school is the ability to take care of yourself. Many students have already taken steps to live on their own by helping out at home. By talking with parents and student we get an idea of what they can do and what they need to continue to work on. There are a few ways we have done this to add to their portfolio.

  1. One way is to show what they do at home is to use visuals. I had students use PicPlayPost to create a collage of Gif’s to show what they currently do and another collage to show what they need to work on. You can leave it at that or use a video editor like Film Maker Pro to add words and even a Plotagon video to provide audio explanation of their tasks.

  1. Another way is to use Mindmeister to create a map to create two sides. One side of things they are doing at home and the other of things they need to work on. With Mindmeister you can set it up so parents can see it as well and comment on the differents tasks you set up. For example if they need to work on doing the laundry parents or student can make notes on when they help out.

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