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Life isn’t about finding yourself.  Life is about creating yourself.

- George Bernard Shaw


IEP’s are boring.  Meetings, writing them and anything associated with them are boring but they shouldn’t be.  IEP’s are supposed to be about the student.  Not about the school, not about the parents but the student.  Individual means one not many, although there are many involved in it.  It’s important the the individual the IEP is about understands the IEP and the best way to do that is to have them create one that he/she can understand.  
There is so much an IEP can do for students but it is something that is not well received in society.  Society has turned Special Education into something negative.  Students feel they are inferior and at times made to feel “stupid” by their peers.  When in fact the majority of students on an IEP don’t understand why they have one and what it can actually do for you.  My hope, as students complete this, is that they have a better understanding of an IEP and don’t have such a negative feeling towards it. The better we can educate them on the “why”, the better they can understand the “how” it is beneficial to them.
For those who do not have an IEP this can be beneficial for them to start thinking about their future.  There are many students who leave high school without a plan or even an idea of what they would like to do.  This will hopefully give students some ideas of what they could do in the future.

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