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Personality (Present Level of Performance)

Personality (Present Level of Performance)

The PLEP statement is a brief description of how the student is doing in school. Whether it be academics, behavior or socially for some it can be difficult to write because you just don’t know what all to put in it. I started adding a couple of things to it so it becomes more personal to the student. By adding a statement about the students personality you can get a little better idea of why they act one way or another.

I started out by giving them a list of personality traits and had them choose the ones they felt described them the best. Then I attached a new list to theirs and had their classmates pick the traits they felt described them. We switched about three times so each student would get a different perspective on what others see in them. Their classmates also had to write a short description as to why they felt they had that personality. This way when the students wrote their personality statement they had proof of that statement. You can also have the students get their teachers to give their opinions on personalities. The student then put their writing into action by making a Plotagon.

Some students may need an outline to help them write their personality descriptions. Here is what some students used.

Personality Outline

You can watch the example with the instructions on making a Plotagon.

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